A friend recently asked me:
How did we come to this?
It's been a slow spiritual journey that started with questioning God's Commandment, "Though shalt not covet ..."
Just as the Serpent taught Eve to question God regarding the fruit,
our society has been taught to question God's law about covetousness.
We've been told that it's good to covet the possessions and wealth of
those who are millionaires. Than we can covet the possessions of
those who are $250,000-aires.
Once you covet another man's possessions, it's a short step to
stealing them, and if he resists, then it's a short step to killing
him to take those possessions. This is especially true if we can tell
ourselves that we're doing it for “a good cause”. Who can't think
of someone more deserving of money than “that greedy millionaire”.
So, in our own pride, we've supplanted God's Law with our own
judgment as to what is right. We take it upon ourselves to supplant
God with Man.
All of the Commandments are tied together. For as we are made in
God's image, to sin against another man is to sin against God. But as
it is evil for a rich man to forgo charity, it is equally evil for us
to exalt ourselves to the position of God, or deem ourselves more
knowing than God, and say to the rich man, “We are going to take
your money by force and distribute it as we see fit, for we are
higher than God and we know better than God how to allocate that
money. God made a mistake when he allowed you to have it, and we are
here to fix God's mistakes”
Do you think people that have already told themselves they are smarter than God, and more fair than God, will hesitate to disobey any other commandments? To justify covetousness, is to justify theft, and to justify murder. Just as Jesus said to lust after another man's wife is adultery in your heart, and hating a man in your heart is murder, once you covet in your heart you've committed the theft. Once you convince yourself to hate the millionaire, you've justified his murder in your heart.
Do you think people that have already told themselves they are smarter than God, and more fair than God, will hesitate to disobey any other commandments? To justify covetousness, is to justify theft, and to justify murder. Just as Jesus said to lust after another man's wife is adultery in your heart, and hating a man in your heart is murder, once you covet in your heart you've committed the theft. Once you convince yourself to hate the millionaire, you've justified his murder in your heart.
But at the heart of the matter is lack of faith in the principles of
God's Word; an unbelief that what is written is true.
If you're not a Christian, I'll quote Yoda “Fear is the path to the
Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to
This fear of not having enough leads both the greedy and the covetous
to sin. But neither groups' sin excuses the other.
Eventually, we end up in a society where everyone is using legal
means to keep their temporal possessions or take those possessions
from someone else and we lose sight of the spiritual truths as our
focus is drawn to rest squarely on the physical And when we're only
looking at our physical well-being, the spiritual withers and dies.
Once we lose our faith in God, and put man, or government on God's
throne we've lost the spiritual battle. And once that happens,
everything evil is possible.
Of course, that's a shortcut.
Of course, that's a shortcut.
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