
Friday, November 12, 2010

Apologies and Excuses

I've really dropped the ball on keeping up with this blog. I'm sorry. I really have to keep up on technologies like Twitter, and figure out how to record my thoughts out loud while I'm driving in order to make the best use of my time. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I might as well give everyone an idea of what I was doing:
Prepping a rental. This was very involved. The renter was several months behind, and eventually ended up owing nearly $10,000 in back rent. Most of this is my fault. She had a habit of falling behind and catching up, so I let it go too far. I had to replace all the flooring and repaint the place. The place was so dirty that it was easier to sand down the cabinets, instead of cleaning them (now there's a helpful hint for any landlords who have wasted hours trying to scrub cabinets). I did a mosaic tile pattern in the bathroom out of some left overs. It's pretty (imo) and I get to use up some old stock instead of throwing it away.

Working on election "stuff". High Desert Tea Party newspaper. You can go here to read a few issues. My wife and I are on the cover of issue 6 below the fold. Four of us did a 400 mile (both ways) drive to Sacramento, CA and dropped off 1000 issues of #5. Approximately 10 to each state assemblyperson and senator. We also hung flyers for candidates and got advertising for the paper. I worked on the computers; fixed some bugs, loaded some programs and updated others and upgraded the memory.

We started a new business. We went to Free Enterprise Day in Denver, CO over the Halloween weekend. We drove from CA as we can carry more stuff, and we don't have to deal with all the BS with the TSA. We can usually make the drive in about 16 hours. We also checked on the rental in Colorado Springs.

And I've been having recurring car problems, so things have been challenging.

We are still moving in. I also helped one of the wife's old friends move into one of our rentals.
Questions, comments, suggestions? Please email me or look me up at James C. Foy on Facebook.

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